Sanctions for Violating the Student Code of Conduct

Interim Sanctions

In rare cases when a student must be temporarily suspended from the college prior to a college judicial board hearing, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities in consultation with the Vice President of Student Affairs, may remove the suspension prior to the judicial board hearing. Students are not permitted to withdraw while charges of the Student Code of Conduct are pending resolution in a college judicial board hearing.

In certain circumstances, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities or designee may impose an interim sanction including but not limited to: Residence Hall relocation, Residence Hall suspension, college suspension and other restrictions prior to a hearing before a judicial body. Interim sanctions may be imposed:

  1. To protect the safety and wellbeing of members of the community or preservation of College property.
  2. If the student poses a direct threat of interference with the normal operations of the College.


For ease of reference, specific sanctions are offered in detail below. Sanctions are categorized by Level I, Level II, and Level III. Level I sanctions are generally considered less restrictive and punitive when compared to Level II sanctions. Level III sanctions are quite restrictive and punitive by comparison. Sanctions are generally used incrementally (increasing in severity depending on the frequency and seriousness of violations). Sanctions may be applied in combination and remain in force unless termination dates are specified. Failure to complete sanctions as specified, or continued violations, may result in the application of additional and more serious sanctions, which could include expulsion from the Residence Hall system or the College. Students suspended or expelled from the Residence Halls or the College for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for a refund and may be subject to the permanent Transcript Notation policy.

Level III

College Expulsion (No Refund, Possible Loss of Grades for the Semester, Possible Transcript Notation)

A student expelled may no longer attend classes or be on College property or property operated for the benefit of the College for any reason. Reinstatement or readmission is not possible. No refunds are allowed for a student who has been disciplinarily expelled.

College Suspension (No Refund, Possible Loss of Grades for the Semester, Possible Transcript Notation)

Removal from the campus for a specified period of time before being allowed to seek readmission. A student suspended is not allowed to attend classes, build their co-curricular transcript, travel on any college related trips, participate in any type of athletic practice or competition, including intramurals, and are not allowed to attend any campus events or events held on campus during the specified period of time.

Guest Privileges Revoked

A student whose guest privileges are revoked has permanently lost the privilege of hosting guests in the Residence Hall system.

Residence Hall Ban (Entire Residence Hall System)

A student who is banned from the Residence Hall system is not permitted to live in or visit any Residence Hall.

Residence Hall Expulsion

A student who is expelled from the Residence Hall system is not permitted to live in or visit any Residence Hall. Students expelled from the Residence Halls for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for a refund.

Residence Hall Suspension (No Refund for the Semester)

A student who is suspended from the Residence Halls is not permitted to live in or visit the Residence Hall system for a specified period of time. Once the suspension period is over, the student may reapply for housing.

Stayed College Expulsion

A student placed on stayed college expulsion is being given one last chance to comply with the Student Code of Conduct and college policies. During the period of time on this sanction, the student must not be found responsible for any violations of the student code of conduct or the student may be subject to immediate activation of the expulsion.

Stayed College Suspension

A student placed on stayed college suspension is being given the chance to finish their current semester before serving their suspension for a specified period of time. No refunds are allowed for a student who has been disciplinarily suspended so the student is given an opportunity to complete the semester so it is not lost. During the period of this sanction the student must not be found responsible for any violations of the student code of conduct or the student may be subject to immediate activation of the suspension.

Stayed Residence Hall Expulsion

A student placed on stayed residence hall expulsion is being given one last chance to comply with the Student Code of Conduct and college policies. During the period of this sanction the student must not be found responsible for any violations of the student code of conduct or the he student may be subject to immediate activation of the expulsion from the Residence Halls.

Level II

College Probation

A student placed on College Probation is put on notice that their actions are of a serious nature within the College Community and they have jeopardized their privilege of attending SUNY Morrisville. Probation shall be for a designated period of time of no less than 6 months during which the student must demonstrate the willingness and ability to comply with College policies and the Student Code of Conduct. College Probation status may impact a student’s ability to participate in college activities or programs, hold positions with campus offices and/or organizations, or run for or hold certain campus-wide leadership positions. Further violations of college policy or the code of conduct, may result in more severe sanctions, including suspension or expulsion from the College.

Guest Privileges Suspended

A student whose guest privileges are suspended has lost the privilege of hosting guests in the Residence Hall system for a specified period.

Residence Hall Ban (From a Specific Residence Hall or Portion Thereof)

A student whose privileges to enter a specific Residence Hall (or portion thereof) have been revoked is no longer permitted to live in or enter that facility (or portion thereof) for any reason. If they violate this directive, they will be subject to arrest for trespassing as appropriately defined in Article 140 through 140.17 of the New York State Penal Law.

Residence Hall Ban (All but Current Residence Hall)

A student is only allowed to enter the Residence Hall in which they live. They are not permitted to enter any other Residence Halls without authorization from the Office of Residence Life. If they are found responsible for violating this sanction, they may be subject to arrest for trespassing as appropriately defined in Article 140 through 140.17 of the New York State Penal Law.

Residence Hall Relocation

A student who is relocated to another Residence Hall is not permitted to live in or enter their former Residence Hall after relocation without authorization from the Office of Residence Life.

Level I

Apology Letter

A student may be required to complete a letter of apology by an imposed deadline.

Behavioral Contract

When a student is required to abide by written agreement that outlines specific behavioral restrictions, requirements, and resources that the student has agreed to as a condition to their continuation as a student.

Campus Probation

A student placed on Campus Probation has been given notice that their actions are inappropriate within the College Community and they must act more responsibly in the future. Campus Probation will be for a designated period of time no more than 6 months. Further violations of college policy or the student code of Conduct, may result in more severe sanctions, including college probation, suspension or expulsion from the Residence Hall system or suspension or expulsion from the College.

Community Service

A student may be required to abide by a community service assignment with specific service requirements and completion deadline.

Financial Restitution

A student may be required to make reimbursement for damages by a specified deadline as long as there are no criminal charges filed.

Letter of Warning

A student given a letter of warning has been received written notification that their behavior was inconsistent with College rules and regulations.

Student Development Module

Students may be directed to complete development modules by a specific deadline. Failure to complete the sanction will result in the student being charged and found responsible for Failure to Comply which will result in 2 months being added to the other sanctions assigned

Verbal Warning

A student may receive a verbal warning at the discretion of staff when their behavior is inconsistent with College rules and regulations but not deemed serious enough to warrant further action.

Other Remedies

Emergency Removal

An emergency removal is an administrative action and does not effectuate, in any way, a pre-judging of the allegations against the respondent, who is entitled to a presumption of non-responsibility pending the completion of a College Judicial Board hearing.


An emergency removal enables the institution to respond quickly to an emergency. An institution may remove a respondent on an emergency basis whether a grievance process is underway or not. An emergency removal is not limited to instances where the complainant has reported an alleged sexual assault or rape, but could also be justified to address alleged severe, pervasive and objectively offensive verbal or online sexual harassment. The identification of an immediate risk situation is not limited to the details of the alleged sexual harassment incident itself, but may also evaluate and respond to a respondent’s related post-incident actions or behaviors.

No Contact Order (With another Person)

A No Contact Order is an Administrative action directed to parties of an incident to refrain from any form of contact or communication with the specified party. This is a campus order valid on university property only. Prohibited contact includes but is not limited to: electronic, oral, or written to include email, texts, etc. This extends to all actions which may occur as a result of “third parties” (friends, family members, or acquaintances) acting on your behalf.

Temporary College Suspension

A student may be temporarily suspended from SUNY Morrisville pending a College Judicial Board hearing. Temporary suspension means that they are banned from College property, or property operated for the benefit of the College, until disposition of the charges against them. Students placed on temporary suspension are to contact the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (315-684-6070) with questions about College rules, regulations, and the hearing process within three (3) days. A student who has been temporarily suspended is responsible for contacting faculty/staff regarding any absence, commitments on Campus, or course work. “Student Status” is frozen. Students who are suspended are not allowed to build their co-curricular transcript, travel on any college related trips, participate in any type of athletic practice or competition, including intramurals, and are not allowed to attend any campus events or events held on campus. When a student must be temporarily suspended from the college prior to a college judicial board hearing, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities in consultation with the Vice President of Student Affairs, may remove the suspension prior to the judicial board hearing. Students are not permitted to withdraw while charges of the Student Code of Conduct are pending resolution in a college judicial board hearing. The campus will promptly review existing temporary suspensions at a party’s request, including requests to modify the terms or discontinue it. Parties can submit evidence to support their request.

Restorative Justice Process

After review of the relevant facts in a given case, the reviewer(s) may decide to recommend that a case be handled through a restorative justice process instead of the judicial process. Restorative justice brings students together in small groups, empowers them to resolve conflicts and focuses on the needs of all involved. It is a non-judicial process used to deal with incidents where harm has been done to a person or community. It focuses on repairing that harm and restoring the balance of relationships among members of a community.

No College Judicial Action

After review of the relevant facts in a given case, the reviewer(s) may decide that no College Judicial action is necessary.

Pending College Judicial Action

When students depart from the College with a College Judicial case pending, the case may remain “open” or under investigation. A hold will be placed on the students record and the student may not be allowed to return to the College until the case has been adjudicated through the College Judicial system.