Strategic Plan Goal 2: To enhance and expand access to experiential education.

We will enhance access to experiential learning to include traditional and non-traditional student populations.

Objective 2.1: Enhance and expand residential student experiential learning

We will integrate experiential learning across all aspects of the full-time, residential student experience.  This will include applications in areas of curriculum development, co-curricular programming and the broader residential student environments.

Strategy/outcome Core Value Measure Baseline (2024-25) Targets
        2026 2028 2030
Increased community engagement Community ENGAGE.  Student engagement Score TBD TBD TBD TBD
Number of events each semester related to topics of critical importance (i.e. DEI-B, Civic Engagement, Leadership.)  0 1 3 4
Development and integration of a residential student program that integrates themes of DEi-B. Baseline- program integration 6/semester NA NA
Enhanced cross-divisional and co-curricular pathways Student Centered Number of pathways implemented within the ENGAGE platform. No pathways First year and Sophomore pathway developed

Junior and senior pathway developed


Expanded catalog of micro-credentials and stackable credentials. Student Centered Number of micro-credentials and stackable certificates. 2 6 11 15
Development of an ELITE Badge (Leadership) No ELITE Badge NA NA Elite Badge and ENGAGE pathway developed
Bachelor degree program development  Sustainability Percent mix of active bachelor degrees  43% 48% 55% 60%
Recognized College for community service Community Percentage of students engaged in volunteer efforts as reported in ENGAGE and  via other reporting mechanisms. TBD TBD TBD TBD

Objective 2.2: Enhance and expand the non-traditional student college enterprise.

We will develop programming and services that align our experiential education mission with growing non-traditional student demand.

Strategy/outcome Core Value Measure Baseline (2022-23) Targets
        2026 2028 2030
Expanded online learning infrastructure Sustainability Percentage of courses using OERs as instruments of teaching.   Additional 5% of courses Additional 7% of courses  Additional 7% of courses 
Volume of online tutoring users. 

Night Owl is currently available but underused.


Increase use of online tutoring by 5%    
Implementation of same-day tutoring on-demand tutoring. No same-day tutoring scheduling available  Same-date tutoring schedule available  NA NA
Expanded stackable credential pathways Student Centered          
Expanded low residency credit bearing programs Applied Learning Development of a low-residency student infrastructure. Complete a needs and gap analysis.  Identify and secure funding to make restorations.  NA NA
Number of low-residency hybrid programs.  0 1 new program Total of 2 programs  Total of 3 programs
Graduate degree program development Sustainability Number of active graduate degrees 1 2 4 5
Expanded non-credit bearing workforce development programs. Applied Learning Number of non-credit workforce development courses.   4% increase 8% increase 10% increase
Number of active noncredit workforce development programs. Inventory needs and gaps.  5 total  programs Develop 3 new programs Develop 3 new programs 
Developed “credit for prior learning” policy and practice Student-Centered Development of “credit for prior learning” policy.  NA Completion  NA NA
Development of “credit for prior learning” assessment and procedure.  NA Completion NA NA
Developed non-traditional brand segment and aligning marketing/recruitment infrastructure. Applied Learning Development of strategic enrollment and marketing plan that addresses non-traditional enrollment growth. No plan Completion of plan. Evaluation of progress toward meeting enrollment goals.   

Objective 2.3: Enhance teaching and learning through innovation and scholarship.

We will create, advance and share knowledge in a way that enhances learning and cultivates new and innovative perspectives.

Strategy/outcome Core Value Measure Baseline (2022-23) Targets
        2026 2028 2030
Developed and updated policies and practices conducive to innovation and scholarship. Hands-On Learning Date of submission -  Feasibility committee recommendations NA Completion NA NA
Established Morrisville’s first research institute. Sustainability Date of activation – Sustainable Rural Communities Institute. NA NA Completion NA
Modernized information systems. Student-Centered          
Enhanced Morrisville’s college planning and assessment practices Sustainability Develop and implement Morrisville’s Institutional Assessment Plan NA Completion NA NA
Develop Morrisville’s Academic Plan NA Completion NA NA
Develop Morrisville’s Strategic Enrollment Plan NA Completion NA NA
Integrate institutional planning and assessment framework using Weave Education Assessment Interface NA Completion NA NA
SCOA Institutional Effectiveness Rubric levels of proficiency for aspects of design, Implementation, and Impact.

Design:  Level 0

Imple.:   Level 0

Impact:  Level 0

Design:  Level 2

Imple.:   Level 1

Impact:  Level 1

Design:  Level 3

Imple.:   Level 2

Impact:  Level 2

Design: Level 3

Imple.:  Level 3

Impact: Level 3

Recognized College for innovative teaching Hands-On Learning