Violations of the Student Code of Conduct

For ease of reference, specific violations are offered in detail below. Violations are categorized by (Category IIII), then by type (Personal, Civility and Public Order, and Substances,), in alphabetical order under each type. Category I violations are generally considered less severe when compared to Category II violations. Category III violations are generally the most severe and may result in suspension or expulsion from the Residence Hall system or the College.

Category III

Personal Violations

Academic Integrity Violations

Conduct including but not limited to plagiarism, cheating, multiple submissions, unauthorized collaboration, bribery, or use of purchased research service reports without appropriate notations.

Assault, Abuse, Fighting

Includes any physical act whether intentionally or recklessly, regardless if contact is made, where the intent is clear to engage in physical contact, that creates a substantial risk where bodily harm could be the result of the action.

Dating Violence 

Any act of violence, including physical, sexual, psychological, and verbal committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the other party. The existence of such a relationship can be determined based on a consideration of the length of relationship, the type of relationship, or the frequency of interaction between the persons disclosed in the persons own statements.

Domestic Violence 

Any act of violence, including felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a person who is:

  • A current or former spouse of the victim
  • A person with whom the victim shares a child in common with
  • Cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, or person similarly situated as the spouse under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which it occurs
  • By law, prohibited from the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which it occurs
  • By law, prohibited from the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which it occurs

Bias / Hate Behavior

Includes any threatening, intimidating, or fear provoking behavior whether it is oral written, graphic, or physical that is motivated by a consideration (real or perceived) about an individual’s protected characteristics (per NYS law), which is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent that it interferes with or limits the ability of an individual to participate in or benefit from the educational institution’s resources or opportunities.


Engaging in unwelcome behavior that a reasonable person would find intimidating or hostile that is sufficiently severe, pervasive and objectively offensive to a degree that interferes with, denies, or limits an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from institutional programs, activities, or resources.

Sexual Assault (Please refer to the sexual violence response policy)

Any physical sexual act or acts committed against another person without affirmative consent. If a student is found responsible it will result in suspension for a minimum of the remainder of the semester or a maximum of the remainder of the semester + 2 semesters or expulsion from SUNY Morrisville. It is assumed that the victim/survivor did not give affirmative consent.

Sexual harassment

Unwelcome oral, written, graphic, electronic or physical conduct of a sexual nature which is so severe or pervasive that a reasonable person would find intimidating, hostile or offensive regardless if it effectively denies the individual reasonable access to institutional programs, activities, and resources.


Any unwelcome course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person emotional distress and create safety concerns. Examples include, but are not limited to, repeatedly following such person, repeatedly communicating by any means with such person, any act directly, indirectly or through third parties by any action, method, device or means to follow, monitor, observe, surveil, threaten, communicate to or about a person.

Unlawful Dissemination or Publication of an Intimate Image

The intentional sharing of an image, of another person who is identifiable from the image or from information displayed in connection with the image, that was created under circumstances that there was a reasonable expectation that the image would remain private with intent to cause harm to the emotional, financial or physical welfare of that person.

Civility & Public Order Violations

Aiding and Abetting

Knowingly assisting in the violation of a local, state, or federal law. Knowingly assisting in the violation of the Student Code of Conduct or College Policy.

Disorderly Conduct

Any action that is disruptive, lewd, or indecent which creates an unreasonable amount of confusion, noise, or response which threatens or endangers the health or safety of one’s self or another. No person shall recklessly create a public inconvenience or disturbance.


Behavior or threat to take or actually take any action, create or participate in the creation of any situation, which recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health, or creates a substantial risk of serious injury to self or others.  

Failure to Comply

Failure to comply with the reasonable and lawful directives of College officials, student staff, or law enforcement officers performing the duties of their office, especially as they are related to the enforcement of College Policy or the maintenance of safety and security.

Falsification/Misrepresentation of Information

Altering or misusing documents, records, stored data, or identification cards. Providing false identification or furnishing false or misleading information to any College officials or a hearing body.


Any activity that humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers the mental, emotional, or physical health or safety of a student regardless of the person’s willingness to participate in order to be initiated or affiliated with a group. Recognized organizations that are found in violation of this policy may be subject to loss of recognition, distinct and apart from any sanctions to which its individual participating members are subject.


Students may be suspended for a period of time or be expelled from the College when they fail to comply with the health records or immunization requirements or when they have a health condition that may endanger the health of other students or themselves.


Interfering with, or hindering the efforts of, College officials, student staff, or law enforcement officers performing the duties of their office, especially as they are related to the enforcement of College Policy or the maintenance of safety and security.


Any action taken as a result of and/or in response to a previous action. No student shall take any adverse action against another person for reporting a violation or for participating in any way in an investigation or conduct process.

Student Identification

Students are required to carry their SUNY Morrisville identification card with them at all times. Failure to produce proper identification upon request to college officials, student staff, or law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties is prohibited.


Removal, displacement, possession or use of property or services belonging to another person or entity without consent of the owner.

Trespassing/Unauthorized Use of a College Facility

Knowingly entering, or occupying any College facility or utilizing a service without proper authorization, including entering a facility or area that has been designated off limits by a college official, through judicial action, or court.


Any action whether deliberate or reckless that causes damage to the property of another person or entity. 


The possession or keeping of weapons on College property or property operated for the benefit of the College (including in any vehicle) is prohibited. The possession or use of any object (whether real or toy) that could cause harm to another is prohibited.

Housing Violations

Sharing Keys/Cards

Sharing of any College keys or SUNY Morrisville ID Cards.

Fire Regulations – Prohibited Acts

Committing acts of arson, creating a fire hazard, or unauthorized possession or use of flammable materials or hazardous substances. Tampering with fire safety or other safety equipment. (Covering/disabling smoke detectors, exit signs, or fire extinguishers, etc.) See the Fire Safety Policy for further violation descriptions.

Restricted Access - Residence Hall

Entering or remaining in any Residence Hall without authorization, registration, or a properly issued and programmed SUNY Morrisville ID card.

Restricted Access - Residence Hall Room

Entering or remaining in any Residence Hall room without permission or supervision from the occupants. Having more than eight people in a Residence Hall room at one time. Changing Residence Hall room assignments without permission from the Resident Director(s) of the Residence Hall(s) involved.

Category II

Civility & Public Order Violations

Facility Expectations

Facilities at SUNY Morrisville are designated for orderly and specific activities (ex: dining halls, library, gymnasiums, etc.). Reasonable standards of conduct are expected in order to support the purpose of each facility, to protect the rights of patrons, and to safeguard facility property. College staff is empowered to enforce compliance with rules supporting the appropriate use of each facility.

Substance Violations


Illegal or unauthorized possession, purchase, sale, distribution, or use of alcohol.

Alcohol - In the Presence of

Students or their guests found where alcohol is present.

Alcohol - Paraphernalia

Possession of alcohol paraphernalia. (Paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to: empty kegs, cans, bottles, funnels, shot glasses, etc.)


The possession, purchase, sale, distribution, or use of drugs or cannabis.

Drugs - In the Presence of

Students or guests found on college property or property operated for the benefit of the college where drugs are present.

Drugs - Paraphernalia

Possession of items that could reasonably be considered drug paraphernalia. (Paraphernalia includes but is not limited to: hypodermic needles, hookahs, resonated roach clips, bowls, pipes, bongs, and other items modified for the use of or to conceal the use of drugs.)

Housing Violations


All students are responsible for the actions of their guests for any violations committed. Students are also expected to take reasonable action to prevent their guests from violating College Policies. Any behavior or activity that contributes to the failure to adhere to the Guest Policy.

Category I 

Civility & Public Order Violations

Prohibited Activities

Any physical actions/activities that may result in injury or damage to persons or property is prohibited in and around the Residence Halls and other College buildings. Such activities include but are not limited to: squirt guns, swimming in or skating on the pond, throwing darts, and snowball throwing.

Housing Violations


SUNY Morrisville supplies approved fire-rated furnishings within the Residence Halls and does not allow dormitory furniture to be removed from its assigned location without permission from the Residence Hall Director. Lounge furniture may not be removed or placed into student rooms.


Students are not permitted to have animals in the Residence Halls at any time. Exceptions for approved comfort and service animals.

Quiet Hours/ Courtesy Hours/Sound

At no time should noise reach a level that disturbs roommates, other residents, or members of the community. Speakers and other sound producing equipment are not to be played out windows and should not be readily audible at a distance outside the room.

Room Cleanliness, Conditions, and Decorations

Students are responsible for maintaining sanitary and orderly conditions in their Residence Hall rooms to prevent pests and fire hazards. Students are expected to comply with the Residence Hall License at all times.


All selling and soliciting of merchandise or services is prohibited. Businesses cannot be run in Residence Halls.


Smoking is prohibited in all College buildings including all residence halls, all College/MAC vehicles, and within a 20-foot perimeter of all buildings. Evidence of smoking may include visible haze, odor of cannabis or tobacco products, or other evidence that smoking has occurred such as residual ash.

Trash / Recycling

Improper disposal or commingling of trash and recycling products inside or outside the Residence Halls.


Students are prohibited from removing window screens or windows from their tracks or frames and to do so is considered damage to State property.