AP.12.1 Responsibilities

The Code of Academic Integrity promotes the academic and professional success of the student. Maintenance of the academic integrity of the learning experience at SUNY Morrisville is the responsibility of all members of the college community. Integrity in the form of academic honesty is necessary for learning and is a condition for all classroom/laboratory activities, learning experiences, and evaluations. All forms of academic dishonesty, including unauthorized collaboration, copying, cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism as well as the facilitation of any of these are violations of the Code of Academic Integrity and the Student Code of Conduct.

Academic dishonesty may result in penalties as severe as a failing grade in the class or even dismissal from the college.

AP.12.1.a Plagiarism

  1. Any submitted course assignment, whether orally presented or in written or digital formats, must be of original authorship and follow prescribed citation guidelines. It should also follow any additional integrity guidelines unique to the course as explained in assignment instructions or the course syllabus (e.g., use of papers written for other courses, alteration to standard citation guidelines, etc.). Representation in any form of another’s work as a student’s own shall constitute plagiarism and be a violation of this code.
  1. Any charge of plagiarism must be substantiated by a direct correlation in wording, ideas, and/or organization between the original and plagiarized copy.

AP.12.1.b Examination Process

  1. All examinations must be taken according to prescribed procedures as determined by the instructor in charge of the course or learning experience. Failure to follow these procedures in a way suggesting the intent to cheat shall constitute a violation of this code.
  1. Any form of unauthorized written or electronic material used by a student or evident on his/her person or electronic device during or directly following an examination shall be deemed to be evidence of intent to cheat and constitute a violation of this code.

AP.12.1.c Other Instances of Dishonesty

  1. Unless specifically allowed by the instructor in charge of the course or learning experience, any unauthorized correspondence between/among students during any examination or during the preparation of submitted work, which can be substantiated by physical proof or eye-witness verification shall constitute a violation of this code.
  1. In cases where infractions of the code appear to have occurred, but where the specific violator(s) cannot be determined, the instructor may require all involved student(s) to be retested, or to resubmit a comparable assignment with proof of its originality.

The listing in this code of ways to cheat or to otherwise engage in academic dishonesty are not meant to exclude forms of dishonesty that are not listed or which may become possible in the future. It is the intention of this code to encourage students to engage in ethical and professional behavior that will reflect positively on them and the College.