ADMIN-101: Property Control Policy

Impact Area: SUNY Morrisville (Morrisville campus, Norwich campus, EOC)

Author: Property Control

Policy Purpose

As an agency of the State of New York, SUNY Morrisville (“College”) has a responsibility to ensure that there is a reasonable system of internal controls governing campus property. This document outlines the College’s expectations for acquisition, use, and disposition of college property, Research Foundation (“RF”) property, and Morrisville College Foundation property under the care and control of the college. Unauthorized use of state-owned equipment and/or use of equipment for personal reasons, outside of college business, is strictly prohibited.

The Property Control System (PCS) has been developed by SUNY to ensure that all assets are properly accounted for. In order for an accurate asset inventory, this tracking needs to occur from the time of purchase, until the asset is no longer needed or declared surplus. The Property Control Coordinator (PCC) maintains the PCS containing information on all campus assets valued at $5000 or above. It is the responsibility of each department to inform the PCC of any changes with assigned equipment, as the asset inventory is audited annually.

Policy Summary

All property acquired by the College whether through procurement, donation, or fabrication is considered the property of the State of New York. The Research Foundation for the State University of New York holds title to all RF property. Property of other entities (i.e., the Childcare Center, College Auxiliary Services, or the Student Government Organization) is not subject to this policy. All property without proof of ownership, is considered state property.

In order to facilitate the effective management of property and ensure reasonable internal controls, the College has developed the following property classification system:

  • Property: Any tangible, personal (as opposed to real) property acquired by the College or by the Research Foundation whether through procurement, donation, or fabrication. Property includes Items of Supply and Equipment.
  • Items of Supply: Any Property that is not Equipment.
  • Equipment (Asset): Any Property of a durable nature with an expected life of more than one year that is not consumed during use. Equipment includes RAMI Assets, High-Risk Assets, and Low-Risk Assets.
  • High-Risk Asset: Any Equipment with an original cost of less than $5,000 and deemed to be high risk due to being highly desirable AND easily taken without permission.
  • Low-Risk Asset: Any Equipment with an original cost of less than $5,000 that is not a High-Risk Asset.
  • Real Asset Management Information System (“RAMI”) Asset: Any Equipment with an original cost of $5,000 or more excluding antiques/works of art.

Property Classification System

Type Subtype Examples
Items of Supply N/A Paper, Pencils, Binders, Folders
Equipment Low-Risk Assets Chairs, Desks, Filing Cabinets, Tables
Equipment High-Risk Assets Laptops, Tablets, Digital Cameras, Smart Phones
Equipment RAMI Assets Commercial Washing Machines, Grounds Equipment, Pianos, Portable Generators, Printers, Scientific Equipment, Servers, Treadmills, Vehicles, Trailers, Farm Equipment, Mowers and Tools

General Expectations

Regardless of classification, the following general expectations govern all Property.

Property must be acquired in accordance with applicable College and RF policies

• All Property must be purchased in accordance with SUNY’s Purchasing and Contracting Policy and

College Purchasing Policies

• Donations of Property to the College must conform with the College’s Acceptance of Gifts in Kind Policy.

Property may only be used for legitimate College or RF business

  • Consistent with longstanding New York State Policy, all College Property and resources, including, but not limited to, campus letterhead, college dumpsters, computers, fax machines, office supplies, postage, photocopying machines, telephones, and washers and dryers, is the property of the State and may not be used for non-state purposes (whether personal or for the benefit of other entities). Removal of items from the dumpster is also prohibited.

Employees are expected to exercise reasonable oversight of Property

  • Each employee has a general obligation to safeguard and make appropriate use of College and RF Property. This obligation includes but is not limited to:
    • Exercising reasonable care in use to prevent damage and maintain good condition
    • Exercising reasonable security measures to prevent theft or misuse
    • Reporting lost or stolen Property to University Police
    • Notifying their department’s Equipment Coordinator of any potential acquisition, relocation or disposal of High-Risk Assets and RAMI Assets before it occurs
    • Refraining from relocating Equipment off campus without prior authorization from the Vice President for Administration and Finance or Designee

Property must be disposed of in accordance with applicable College and RF policies

  • New York State only permits Property to be disposed of in one of four ways:
    • Trade-in
    • Transfer to other State Agency
    • Sold through the New York State Office of General Services
    • Discarded
  • All Equipment displacement begins with a properly completed and signed Surplus / Relocation form.
  • New York State does not permit the donation of College Property for personal purposes nor selling property directly to third parties. We have obtained permission to donate supplies to the local school district, but only on a case-by-case basis.
  • RF Property should be disposed of in accordance with RF Procedures.

Property assigned to New York State University Police

  • Police vehicles may be assigned to a designated officer at the discretion of the Chief of Police. They may be used only for official use, to transport personnel, transport of K-9, or specialized equipment. The vehicle may be used to respond to incidents on or off campus or in a state of emergency to any location designated by New York State. The vehicles will be used in accordance with New York State University Police Policy.
  • All use of Police equipment will be approved by a supervisor or Chief of Police.

The full Property Control Manual can be found at: V:\\engernt1\faculty_staff_share\property control\property control manual