Optional COVID-19 Testing For All Employees

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Starting the week of October 25, faculty and staff who are not otherwise obligated to participate in weekly pooled testing are invited to do so if they wish. Testing takes place on the first floor of Helyar Hall each Monday and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Testing will be open each week to any employees who wish to utilize it. Participation in a given week does not obligate an employee to participate in subsequent weeks – this is just a service provided to those who wish to participate.

Employees should be aware that the 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. time is often very busy and should be avoided if possible. Pooled testing is a surveillance tool only and should not be used as a diagnostic test for symptomatic individuals. If you are feeling ill, please see your primary care provider or make an appointment to get a diagnostic COVID-19 test.

Please follow these steps to participate in testing:

  1. If you do not have an account already,  you must create a COVID-19 Surveillance account and register online. There are several extra steps now in creating an account. You will need your personal health insurance information.
  2. On the day of testing, you must have your Morrisville ID card (or driver’s license) and your personal mobile device (e.g. smartphone, tablet) with you.
  3. No eating or drinking prior to the test:
    • Prior to testing, you must not eat or drink anything, including chewing gum, mints or lozenges within 30 minutes of reporting for your test;
    • You should not have brushed your teeth or used mouthwash within the past 3 hours; and
    • You must abstain from smoking, vaping, or using smokeless tobacco products for 30 minutes prior to the test.
  4. Results will be posted on the College COVID-19 dashboard typically within 24-48 hours.

Upon arrival to testing, log in to the Clarifi COVID-19 testing registration app and register your test kit. Please ensure that you have entered the barcode listed on your test correctly in the app.

Instructions on how to self-administer the test can be viewed on the “How to Swab” video via Vimeo.

Thank you.