Gain Energy Efficiency Tips, Learn About Renewable Energy Technology at Morrisville State College's Renewable Energy Training Center Open Houses

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Gain tips on how to conserve energy and save money, and learn about renewable energy technology during two open houses at Morrisville State College's Renewable Energy Training Center (RETC).

Open houses will be held March 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. and April 17 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the center located in Shannon Hall, room 104B.

Participants will be able to visit with professors and current students and learn about the college's renewable energy facilities and projects, its renewable energy technology associate degree program and courses and workshops that are being offered through the RETC.

There will also be demonstrations of renewable energy technology and theories.

The RETC open houses coincide with the college's open house for prospective students and their families.

For additional information about the RETC, call 315-684-6391 or visit

Morrisville State College's RETC is a multi-county alliance of employers, training providers, economic development partners and K-12 schools to address the long- and short-term needs of New York state's high-growth, high-demand renewable energy sector. It is funded in part, by a grant under the President's Community-Based Job Training Grant Initiative administered by the United States Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. Scholarships are available for all RETC training.