Website Design & Development

2nd Floor

The Office of Website Design & Development is responsible for the creation and management of the publicly-accessible, college website located at, its associated development and testing environments, and any other publicly-accessible, promotional microsites located on the SUNY Morrisville domain.

To request an update to the website, please enter a ticket through our request portal.

Services and Responsibilities

Our regular tasks include:

  • Maintaining and updating the main website theme.
  • Performing regular maintenance, security and module updates.
  • Performing a limited level of search engine optimization.
  • Auditing site content for accessibility compliance.
  • Granting user access and assigning appropriate website permissions.
  • Creating and updating ad-hoc promotional subsites and microsites.
  • Reviewing and publishing requested website content updates.

Web Content

Our office is not responsible for creating or editing text content or documents for the website. While we will be happy to work with you to update your office's web content, we do not have the expertise required to craft content on your behalf. Should you require this type of assistance, you can still enter a web request, and we will connect you with a member of the Office of Communications & Marketing who will be better able to assist you.

Other Web-based Properties

Our office does not maintain or administer third-party, web-based applications purchased by the college, internal content, or personal webspace allocated to SUNY Morrisville students, faculty and staff. Internal content is defined as any webpage or document intended to be accessed only by SUNY Morrisville faculty and staff via any login on a website.

Some examples of web-based items not administered by the Office of Website Design & Development:

  • Web for Students/Faculty
  • Blackboard
  • SharePoint
  • College Scheduler

We can claim no responsibility for the functionality, maintenance or content of these items. Issues with these properties should be reported to the Office of Technology Services.